More than 1,000 Georgians die from opioid overdoses every year. But chiropractors across the state of Georgia know people with neck and back pain have better options than dangerous painkillers.
That’s why Life University, Georgia Chiropractic Association, the Georgia Council of Chiropractic, and hundreds of chiropractors across the state banded together. They won a grant from The William M. Harris Family Foundation to create a public service campaign to educate people on chiropractic as an alternative to opioids for back and neck pain.
ClearWing partnered with Annatto — a branding, graphic design, and marketing agency — to create a campaign to educate the public on safer, more effective pain relief.
First, ClearWing facilitated a half-day discovery process, bringing together these organizations’ leaders to learn their vision and discuss their goals.
The discovery day was a basis for us to create the brand identity, such as key messaging and facilitating the process to create a catchy campaign name. The final choice was Painful Condition? Get Relief Without Addiction.
ClearWing contributed to the marketing campaign with a strategic content plan that encompassed creating blog posts, social media, and media relations efforts over the course of three years.